Panasonic DBS Time & Date Change

Panasonic DBS SystemsDBS: 824, 40, 72 & 96

– From the Attendant’s display phone.

  1. Press “On/Off”
  2. Press “Prog”
  3. Press ” ##”
  4. Press “FF1 key”
  5. Dial 1#, 2#
  6. Dial the time in 24 hr format.
  7. Press #
  8. Press “On/Off”

– From any display phone in the system.

  1. Press “On/Off”
  2. #98 + Password
  3. Press “Prog”
  4. Press ” ##”
  5. Press “FF1 key”
  6. Dial 1#, 2#
  7. Dial the time in 24 hr format.
  8. Press #
  9. Press “On/Off”

Panasonic DBS 576 & 576 HD

From any display phone in the system;

  1. Press On/Off
  2. Press “Prog”
  3. Press ” * * “
  4. Dial the ” Password”
  5. Press “FF8”
  6. Dial 81001
  7. Dial in new time in 24 hr format.
  8. Press Hold and then “On/Off